Information For Grades 7 – 12

Keeping Our Schools Safe Places To Learn

Your school is already a safe place to be. You wouldn’t expect anything less, right?

Keep reading to see how YOU can help keep it that way.

This year, the Ontario government has changed the law to make all schools even safer and more secure.

The new rules are simple and easy to follow – and they apply to everyone. The whole idea is to help you and everyone else in your school continue to act safely and responsibly.

No excuses…You need to be aware of and understand these changes.

Keeping your school safe and secure is everyone’s job – including yours!

It’s not rocket science! Here’s what everyone at school is expected to do:

  • Respect and obey all the laws of Canada, Ontario and the local community;
  • Be honest and act responsibly;
  • Respect the differences in people and their rights – with no exceptions;
  • Treat everyone with respect at all times – but especially when there is a disagreement;
  • Care for school property and the property of others as if it were your own;
  • Do whatever you think is right to help those in need;
  • Always respect people in positions of authority;
  • Ask a school staff member for help if you need it to settle a disagreement.

It’s no surprise! Here’s what you CAN’T do:

  • Possess any weapon;
  • Use any object to threaten or frighten another person;
  • Injure another person with any object;
  • Possess or provide others with any form or alcohol or illegal drugs;
  • Be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
  • Physically harm another person, or encourage someone else to physically harm another person.
  • Engage in bullying in person or using electronic means

So you break a rule. Then what?

If you break any of the new rules described in this brochure you could be either suspended from school or expelled from school by the board of trustees. Obviously, both of these consequences are very serious.

Being Suspended

Being suspended from school means you can’t go to school for a certain period of time.

Under the new rules, suspension will be considered for:

  • Bullying
  • Swearing at a teacher or other person in authority;
  • Possessing or being under the influence of alcohol;
  • Threatening to seriously harm another person;
  • Possessing, using, giving or selling illegal drugs to another person;
  • Seriously damaging school property or property located at a school.

In some cases, if you are suspended, the police will also be involved.
These cases include:

  • Threatening to seriously harm another person;
  • Possessing, using, giving or selling illegal drugs to another person;
  • Seriously damaging school property or property located at a school;
  • Being involved with a gang at school or near our school;
  • Hurting or bothering someone because of their skin colour, religion, culture or beliefs;
  • Continuing to bother or threaten someone after they tell you to stop.

Being Expelled

Being expelled from school is the most serious consequence for breaking the new rules. Being expelled means you can’t return to your school until you complete a expulsion program or complete the conditions set by your school for your return. You may be expelled for:

  • Possessing any weapon;
  • Selling or giving drugs or weapons to another student;
  • Threatening or using violence while stealing;
  • Using any weapon to harm or threaten to harm someone;
  • Physically harming someone so that they need professional medical treatment;
  • Sexual assault;
  • Providing alcohol to anyone.

All of these incidents will be reported to the police.

The new rules are there to help you and everyone else at your school feel safe and secure. Yes, the consequences are tough. But if you act safely and responsibly it’s no big deal. In the end, it’s your choice.

You can be safe…or you can be sorry.